Acupuncture Treatment of Soft Tissue Injuries
Dogs can get injured in various situations including when playing, or in sport activities. Indeed, severe injuries with suspected bone fractures, torn ligaments, bleeding and so on must be attended to by conventional veterinary care as a matter of urgency.
Acupuncture can be a highly effective method of treatment in clinical situations characterised by pain, lameness, altered movement and so on, especially when muscle spasm, overstretched ligaments or irritated nerves are the cause.
These soft tissue injuries are in particular common in dogs involved in sport or hunting disciplines, as well as in boisterous and hyperactive dogs.
The following conditions have been treated successfully with acupuncture:
- Sore back and neck
- Muscle injuries: trigger points, muscle spasm
and strained muscles
Examples: shoulders or hips, hamstrings, inner thigh muscles, iliopsoas and quadriceps muscles
- Irritated peripheral nerves
Typical clinical signs: often severe pain appearing suddenly & at irregular intervals. There can be prominent lameness. This type of pain is often poorly responsive to conventional pain-killing medication.
- Strained ligaments, especially in the low back
and pelvic area - Chronic arthritis: this condition often improves depending on the extent and severity
Thoracolumbar disc disease