Could your animal benefit
from acupuncture?

Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese therapy,

is used to treat animals for a variety of ailments, including arthritis,
musculoskeletal pain & spasm, soft tissue injuries,
certain types of arthritis and various nerve conditions.
And, much like humans, the animals are
responding so well.

Veterinary Acupuncture

Which conditions can be treated by acupuncture?


  • back and neck pain
  • strained muscles and ligaments
  • nerve injuries: pain, paralysis and
    associated muscle wasting
  • various forms of lameness and riding problems due to underlying soft tissue injuries.


  • back and neck pain
  • lameness due to soft tissue injuries
  • muscle and ligament strain
  • arthritis or joint degeneration
  • nerve damage and associated pain
  • limb paresis, paralysis and muscle atrophy

Dr Jan Still

Dr Jan Still with a horse receiving acupuncture

Dr Jan Still is a fully qualified veterinary surgeon with a Master’s degree in anaesthesiology. He is also a certified veterinary acupuncturist and a Permitted Treating Veterinarian (FEI).

His special interests are acupuncture, pain relief, sport & musculoskeletal medicine and neurological conditions.

Dr Still works in the Johannesburg and Pretoria area for appointments for horses.

Small animals are treated in Dr Still's rooms in Lonehill - a northern suburb of Johannesburg.